Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Assignment 4-1 Weekly Analysis

Harry Potter is a legend and a hero in today’s society, because of the unnatural way in which he came around. The story about Harry Potter is one that will probably be a great one for years to come. It will be like Star Wars in the 80’s, because the first book was published in the late 70’s, and the first movie was produced in the 80’s. The movies having a huge impact on kids and even some adults, which caused many of them to look up to Star Wars as a way to get away from reality. Today Harry Potter is that same way, the books and movies both having a great impact on both children and adults. The books mostly impacting the adults because they are able to get away from reality and imagine being inside the book, while children love the movies because they are realistic while still having a fantasy appeal.
Harry Potter is raised by his aunt and uncle and in his opinion a normal kid, but different from the rest of society around him. On his eleventh birthday, he finds out he is really a wizard and that he is accepted to Hogwart’s which is a wizarding school located in the middle of nowhere so that no non-wizarding person can find it. He learns the story about how the evil wizard Voldemort is responsible for his parent’s death. Through the series of the books and movies he and his best friends (Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger) go out to defeat Voldemort and bring peace back to the wizarding world.
I believe this series of novels and films are an important part in today’s society because they bring a certain childhood feeling back into people’s hearts. Just like Star Wars did in the 80’s, Harry Potter is doing the same thing bringing families together to either read the novels or watch the movies. Doing this brings the families closer, and even helps them to understand one another.

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