Saturday, February 9, 2008

Assignment 5-1

Have you ever wondered what it is about musicals that make people happy, or why people enjoy watching them? What would make people want to pay the money to watch a lot of people on a stage singing and acting? Well the answers to those questions I could not tell you because I do not know why all people go and watch musicals. However, I can tell you what I think about them and why I would go and pay money to watch them. I consider a musical either live or recorded musicals, so in theater or on DVD.
One of my favorite all time musicals is “Grease 1 & 2”. Another musical which is a really important to America as a population is the musical “Rent”, which is a musical about AIDS in America. One of the last ones and the one I will be talking about is “High School Musical 1 & 2”.
The reason why I like “High School Musical 1 &2” would be because it is a 2000 version of “Grease”. It is a story about a guy (Troy) in high school who is the star basketball player for his school, who finds out that he really wants to perform in the high school musical production when he meets a new girl (Gabriella) at the school. It starts out they are at a high school news years party and get coned into singing karaoke, both being shy at first, but then by the end of the song figuring out they can both sing. Later, Gabriella wants to try out for the musical, but the teacher says she is too late. Troy steps in and tells the teacher that Gabriella can really sing and to give her a chance, but the teacher says “no.” They end up trying out a song for the producer of the musical (Kelsie), and the teacher hears it and decides to let them in the musical. It turns out to be a experience they will never forget.
I think this is a important movie in today’s pop culture because it shows you can discover what you never thought you could be. My nieces really like this movie, and it is one of their favorites. I think it is a really good learning point for young kids today, and it is something which they can look up to.

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