Thursday, January 17, 2008

Assignment 2-2

The three icons that I chose were the TV series “Smallville,” Superman, and Kewain Ratliff. “Smallville is a show about superman while he was still finding out all of his powers and abilities. Superman is a fictional character who is basically invincible beside kryptonite. Kewain Ratliff is a Professional football player who grew up in Whitehall, OH.

Smallville inspirers me because of the situations in which this young Clark Kent gets into, and how he is able to still get out them without anyone realizing how he done it. Also in this TV series Clark is in love with a girl name Lana Lang (who appears in superman 3), and the show displays how hard it is for him to act human and love her and to follow his destiny which is to save the world. One last thing about the series, besides the fact that it is action packed and introduces characters from the Justice League and old Superman movies, is that in the show Lex Luther is Clark’s best friend in the beginning seasons. Lately, Clark has seen Lex for who he really is. I like this show and love watching it because even though it is fictional it makes me think about what I could be if I really put my mind to it, besides the kryptonite and invincible thing.

When I say Superman for my second icon, I mean the movies about Superman the man, not the young Clark Kent. Superman knows all of his abilities and his true destiny which is to protect Earth from destruction like his homeland of Krypton. He falls in love with Lois Lane who is a journalist who’s favorite story is about Superman and eventually finds out who Clark Kent really is. The reason why the Superman movies are so important to me is because that was my influence when I was growing up, my mom was gone working all the time, and my dad was off somewhere else, Superman was my inspiration.

The last icon which I will be talking about is Kewain Ratliff. He grew up in Whitehall, OH which is my hometown. He was also one of my brother’s good friends, so I actually was about to hang out with him every once in a while. Also Whitehall was not one of the best places to grow up as a kid in the 90’s. The reason why he is a icon to me is because he was able to resist all of the violence and drugs in Whitehall and made it to college on a football scholarship. After that he proved that he was good enough for the pro’s and got drafted to the Bengals. He gave me a reason to work my hardest at what I love to do which is football.

1 comment:

Catherine Sanborn said...

Good Post! I have heard of two of the icons you discussed. Of course, I don't follow sports so that would be why I haven't heard of the Bengal footballer. I've never watched Smallville but due to its popularity I have seen it on magazines, tv, etc. It is obviously contemporary to our culture. How you described the reasoning for choosing them as icons was fantastic! Good job!